Monday, August 11, 2008

Crazy Times!

So....Baby Chase arrives in 4 weeks. BUT, on Friday, Hunter is having back surgery. YIKES!! We found out today that the back problems that Hunter has been having will require surgery. The recovery time is three weeks. Recovery means three weeks of rest...only allowed to get up 15 minutes each hour....otherwise, he must be lying down. So, the big recovery time will end just three days before Baby Chase arrives. Please pray that the surgery goes well and that the recovery is quick and easy! : )

Never a dull moment in the Henley home.......


Becky, Phil and Hayden said...

Holy cow, guys! I'm sorry you have to go through this back surgery stuff so close to the birth of Chase! Let me know if I can do anything to help - bring a meal or whatever. I need to get a gift to you for Chase as well, so maybe I can run by your house sometime if it's convenient for you. Just let me know!

Mark, Lena, Kaelyn and Connor said...

oh my...we will be praying that he heals very quickly.