Thursday, June 2, 2011

Garden Update

Having a garden has been so fun! We said from the beginning that this year was a learning year for us (although I bet we will be saying that for several years). And we have learned a lot!!! Like....
  • Don't pour an entire package of seeds in each seed every 2-3 inches is plenty.
  • Cucumber plants are CRAZY!!! They grow and grow and grow. They wrap their little vines around things almost overnight. If your not careful, they will wrap a vine around you if you stand there for too long. ; )
  • Spacing is key!
  • Radishes are yummy....beans are onions are yummy

Eli and Chase with our first "harvest" of beans
Our first squash
Our squash plants have since died. Not sure what happened. I think they were just too crowded. I'm sad about it because I LOVE squash and was looking forward to having some yummy squash that we grew ourselves!

Eli picked a carrot to see how they are doing....looks like they are doing quite well. Can't wait to see how big they get. Not sure how to know when to pick them...I guess we'll have to figure that out. We actually ate this little carrot and it was pretty good.

Our green onion is so good....that sounds strange because it is just green onion, but these have a super strong flavor. The kids don't really care for them, but Hunter and I love them.

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