Friday, July 25, 2008

Another Dr Visit

I had two more Dr appointments yesterday, one with a perinatologist and one with my ob. I am happy to report that both went very well. We went to the perinatologist for another detailed sonogram to look at Chase's overall development. Except for the heart issues, he said that Chase looks very strong and healthy. His develpment is on track. He also looked at the heart and thought that the blood flow in and out of the questionable ventricle looked very good. In his opinion, if that continued, it should be strong enough and big enough to use. Yeah!!!! I know that he is not the decision maker, but it was good to hear someone say that. We just need it to be growing and getting good blood flow.

My ob visit was very standard. No new information. He said all was looking very good and Chase is growing well. We are still looking at the week of September 8th for delivery.

Thankfully, we don't have another Dr appointment of any kind for 2 weeks!!! It's so funny...when I was pregnant with Elijah, it seemed like all my friends were having multiple sonograms and I had one. I always wished I had more. Now that I've had too many to count, I would be happy if I never had another sonogram!!! ; ) Funny how that works!

Thanks to everyone that has been praying for us. Please continue. Especially pray for the right ventricle to GROW.

God is good.
God is in control.
God is THE great physician.
God is soverign.
God is love
God is peace.


Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

that is great news!! we are still praying

waldorfmama said...

wonderful news, laura! we will continue to pray for his right ventricle to grow! ~ shelley

Mark, Lena, Kaelyn and Connor said...

So glad the appt went well! You all are in our prayers!