Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trip to the Zoo

Eli and Chase received a zoo membership for Christmas, so we have been able to enjoy the zoo several times this year. We recently went to see the new exhibit, Giants of the Savanna. Unfortunately, the exhibit opened the day AFTER our visit so we didn't get to see it that day. Also, since the exhibit was opening the next day, most of the animals had been moved so we didn't get to see several of the animals. We went back to the zoo the following week to see the Giants of the Savanna and it was AMAZING!!! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera! : ) I highly recommend going to see the exhibit.....but maybe in the Fall when it cools down again! : )

Chase loved the animal statues and hugged them all!
Eli loves the crocs!! One crawled out of the water while we were watching.

The camels.....or as Eli says "canimals" : )

And of course...the water at the Children's Zoo!

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