Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2 Months....and a Couple of Dr Appts

I can't believe it!! Sweet Baby Chase is 2 months old today. The last two months have probably been the hardest ever, but I couldn't ask for a better outcome. God has truly blessed us.

Yesterday we had an appointment with a pulmonologist . It went very well. He was not concerned at all about Chase's lungs. He wants to continue to watch him, but he did not put Chase on any maintenance medications. Yay!! He did recommend that we take a more aggressive approach to speech therapy and getting Chase off the NG tube. I'm not going to argue with that! I can't wait to get rid of it and I'm sure Chase feels the same way. We are going to start an intensive program at Our Children's House at Baylor. Please pray that all goes well and the NG tube is gone soon.
Today we had Chase's 2 month check up. He was 7 pounds 15 1/2 ounces (-5 %) and 21 1/2 inches (25%). I'm a little discouraged about his weight, but the doctor was not at all! Chase's cardiologist wants to see Chase gaining 10 - 30 grams/day. At this rate, Chase should have been somewhere between 7 lbs 13 oz and 8 lbs 6 oz today. We are in the range, but on the low end. I guess I should just be happy that we are in the range, but I really want to see him grow more. We are going to do weight checks each week for a while. Hopefully we will see him getting closer to the high end of the range! I'm praying!

Closing with a couple of pictures. I am so very happy with the progress that Chase has made, but know that it would not have been possible without God's hand on Chase throughout the past two months. Until now, I have not shared pictures of Chase when he was just a few days old, but we decided to share to show just what an amazing God we serve. Chase is a miracle. All babies are miracles. God gave us one miracle...Chase's life.....and then He sent a few more Chase's way. And now we have a precious little boy that is two months old!

Chase - 8 days old

Chase - 2 Months Old!


Caryn said...

Happy Birthday, big boy Chase!! Way to go buddy! Sending all our love and prayers your way every minute of every day!!

Todd, Jenn, Sam, Ali, Max and Herculez said...

Wow, look at how he has grown. God is truly amazing!! You guys have been such a wonderful example of faith and of God's amazing love and mercy. We will continue to pray!!

waldorfmama said...

wow, what an amazing difference. how far he has come! such a beautiful boy, laura...

Unknown said...

Laura I found your blog and my son has been diagonoised with heterotaxy with the same heart defect. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and overwhelmed with emotions. I was wondering how your son is doing and how your family got through this difficult time. Please message me if you would like to chat.