Saturday, June 28, 2008

Quick Baby Update

We haven't been to the Dr again, but have spoken to many over the phone while on vacation. The surgeon has determined that a scheduled c-section will be the best thing for all those involved in Baby Chase's care. We will likely schedule the c-section at 38 weeks which is the week of September 8. Going from a unmedicated, minimal intervention birth assisted by a midwife to a scheduled c-section is obviously a HUGE change, but we are going to do whatever the cardiologist and surgeons feel is best. We LOVE, LOVE our sweet Baby Chase and want to do whatever we can to give him the best possible chance to make it home!!!

I haven't seen my new OB, but I will likely be switching to a Dr at Presby Plano (Dr. Wells). If anyone knows him or sees him please let me know...just curious. He is also a prof at UT Southwestern and therefore can deliver at Parkland (which is where the Children's Drs want me to deliver). I am very optimistic that my experience with this Dr will be better than my last! : )

That's it for now....we have our big appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Forbess, on July 18, as well as another appointment with the cardiologist, Dr. Eapen, and a tour of the NICU at Children's. Please keep all of these doctors in your prayers.

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