Monday, January 5, 2009


Chase is a great night sleeper. He goes to sleep around 8pm. I wake him up when I get in bed to give him his medications and to feed him. He usually goes right back to sleep and stays asleep until about 5 or 6. I feed him and then he's back to sleep for 2-3 more hours. Like Eli, he seems to love sleeping in the bed with everyone. A couple of nights ago, Eli said "I'm so glad we all sleep together." I said, "me too!" There was a pause then Eli said, "I'm so happy." My heart melted. : )

Overall, Chase continues to do well. We've made it half way through cold & flu season with no issues. We're praying that we make it through March! He seems to be gaining weight well. We aren't doing weekly weight checks anymore so I don't know his exact weight. He had an RSV shot on Christmas Eve and he was 10 pounds. We have our monthly appointment with the Cardiologist tomorrow. Hopefully our appointment tomorrow will be uneventful. We aren't supposed to have another echo until February.

1 comment:

hannah said...

that would've made my heart melt too! :) co-sleeping is the absolute best! i think chase looks sooo much like eli in that first picture.